Rant time!
Why does everyone hate television so much? There are constantly posts about the dangers of screen time. And I hear fellow moms admitting in a hushed voice that they like to watch a tv show at night as a form of self care. Taking an hour to themselves to immerse themselves in a world that is not their own.
Um. How is that a bad thing? How can getting immersed inside a character and living vicariously through them be something people should feel shame over? How is this any different from reading books? It’s smacks of ableism in my opinion. If you happen to have a brain that can sit down and devour 800 pages of a novel in one sitting…good for you! My sons would claw their eyes out if they had to read an 800 page novel. I would spend every single moment reading if I could. People find joy in different forms of stories. No one ever accuses someone of being a book addict, do they? There are no posts shaming people for immersing themselves inside a character and living vicariously through them when it is READING. Newsflash people. Those characters on the screen are WRITTEN by a flesh and blood person somewhere who just wants to pay their bills and share their stories with the world. Why can’t we just let people enjoy things?
I love TV.
I love reading.
Not everything is good or bad people. Go relax and enjoy your stories in whatever form you like. Binge watch that series. Read 10 books in a single day. Whatever floats your boat.
/end rant.