The Celebration Box sat unused on the cobwebbed shelf. It had been so long since there was a reason for joy, for hope.
Butterfly Woman dragged the kitchen chair down the hall and used a broom to sweep away the cobwebs. Then she climbed up and took the box down. The little cottage was neat and tidy except for this corner.
Mercury Quill sat beside the fire, lost in sadness. Butterfly Woman loved him deeply and hoped the Celebration Box could snap him out of his gloom. He had nearly welded himself to the recliner, only surfacing to perform basic functions.
Butterfly Woman shut off all of the lights. She closed the curtains tight. She placed the box on the coffee table. Mercury Quill barely stirred at her presence. Butterfly Woman opened the box and stood back.
The celebration within began to rise and shine its light in every corner. It was built of happy birthdays and congratulations all wrapped around the soul they had captured. Mercury smiled and ate the soul whole.

The prompts for this short story:
Celebration Box
Butterfly Woman
Rise and Shine
Copyright 2019 Klaudia Grady