Last Sunday we stopped at Traveler Food and Books in Union, Connecticut on our way home. I have wanted to stop in for years and it was as amazing as I hoped it would be.

Here is all 12 of the books I got! 6 of them were included with dinner. (I stole my husband’s three free books. He didn’t mind. 🤣)
4 of them I found down in the cellar at the bookshop. They cost me between 2-3$ each.
2 of them I pulled off the shelves in the dining room (they were 1$ each!) because I have no restraint when it comes to books and I already used up my free ones. 🤣

Here is their takeout menu. The food was delicious. I had a happy waitress (grilled cheese, tomato, & bacon) with avocado. It was so good! The perfect diner food. Yum!